Passive Liveness detection

Secure your product with
Liveness Detection

Make your product hackers and bots free while allowing access only to real users. With liveness detection, you can tell if any user is a real person.

Powerful and easy to use

Any modern device

Works on any modern device with a 3mp camera.

2-3 seconds to verify

Liveness is detected in just 2-3 seconds of a video-selfie.

More user friendly

Our passive liveness detection it’s friendlier as it doesn’t require any action from the user.

+99.99% accuracy

Our 3D liveness is 99.99% accurate in identifying a living user.

Why you need Liveness Detection?

Liveness detection spoofing attempts

Fraud is getting more sophisticated

Simple selfies can’t provide enough security.
Fraudsters bypass them by using photos of your clients they found online, masks, dolls, or other complex attack methods. Using only face verification technology is not a reliable method anymore.

Liveness detection verifying physical presence

Know if the person behind the
screen is real

Using advanced 3D face mapping, liveness detection can tell the difference between your real client and someone trying to impersonate them. Your user needs to take a 3-second video selfie to get verified that he's a living person.

No data compromised

All liveness data is deleted imediately after each verification so the honeypot risk is minimized. On top of that, all customer data is fully anonymized and protected with world-class encryption.

Our liveness detection has been tested against spoofing attacks and has been certified as secure by iBeta under ISO 30107-3 PAD standard.

Difference between active and passive liveness detection

Not all liveness are equal

Learn why passive liveness detection is stronger

Liveness detection added to user flow without coding

Add liveness detection to your user
flows without writing code

Create a user flow that fits your business
and security needs.

Secure all use cases with Liveness Detection

age verification user flow

Open account for a new client

Know more >

New client account opening

Verify the age of your customers

Know more >

Online contract signature user flow

Sign a contract online

Know more >

Many ways to integrate

Choose the integration option that fits your business needs.

integrate identity verification
Full scale

Have your team completely customize how our API and SDK interacts with your existing system and leverage existing tech components you already have.

integrate identity verification

Copy and paste

Whether you have IT skills or not, integration is as simple as grabbing a piece of code and pasting it on your website or application.

identity verification integration full scale

Ready to explore more?