Proof of liveness to stop financial crime

Digital transformation solutions that helps you verify your customer’s identity and detect liveness remotely by using facial or voice biometrics.

Liveness detection
that transforms the pension experience
Allow senior citizens to perform regular liveness checks from the comfort of their home. Delight customers using people friendly verifications that don’t require technology expertise.

Facial Biometrics
Ensure that the right person collects the monthly pension
Verify your clients physical presence with a 2 seconds video selfie. Our sophisticated facial biometrics technology can accurately determine if the person behind the screen is a genuine person and the authorized fund receiver.
- Facial identification in seconds
- Certified Liveness Detection that catches complex fraud attempts
- Works on any device and in different lighting conditions

Voice Biometrics
Put words to work and confirm payment & collection
The voice’s unique patterns can identify a person’s identity and liveness within 6 second of speech. Employ an easy to use verification method that requires the speaker to read a pre-selected digit combination or passphrase.
- Supports any language, alphabet and accent
- Works with noisy background
- Sophisticated liveness detection and age or gender checks

Stop loosing money on pension fraud
Leverage top performance technology to check your clients physical presence and liveness without them leaving the house. Reduce the risk of financial crime by verifying your clients liveness in two ways: facial or voice biometrics.

- Excellent performance on any modern device
- Verifications audit
- Catches sophisticated fraud attempts like wax figures or deep-fakes
- 99% recognition accuracy

Automate manual work
Automate repetitive tasks and focus your human resource on more important matters.
Minimize fraud loses
Make it impossible for fraudsters to trick the verification system with fraud-proof technology.
Optimize operational costs
Save money on fraud losses and use you human resource smarter.
Increased customer satisfaction
Delight your customers with simple verification methods that guide them through the process, while keeping them safe in their own home.
Your customer data protected
Our solution is compliant by design to make it simple for you to stay on check. We are GDPR ready with extensive data storage options and strongest data encryption.